Your posts on LinkedIn

Feb 29, 2024

"What should I post on LinkedIn?"

Let's assume you are asking as a B2B salesperson

You want to do something that will help you sell 

🟠 Orange Hat Thinking 🟠

There are loads of different elements to 'social selling'

The content you create is part of it 

Some will have different ideas though I work around a strategy of of posting stuff to 

- Engage
- Educate 
- Entice

Each post type has a different goal

🔶 Engage:

The objective of an engaging LinkedIn post is to start a conversation and build relationships 

Examples of engaging posts include asking questions, sharing personal stories or starting a poll to gather opinions

I talk about life in general, rugby... and cats

- What are you interested in?

🔶 Educate:

The objective of an educational LinkedIn post is to provide valuable information and position yourself as someone who knows their stuff

Examples of educational posts include sharing industry insights, how-to guides or providing useful information to help someone's thinking

I talk about Collaborative Selling, 'Selling and C-Level' and Selling with AI'

- What can you help people with?

🔶 Entice:

The objective of an enticing LinkedIn post is to capture attention and encourage people to take action

Examples of enticing posts include sharing promotions, highlighting new products or services or offering exclusive opportunities to your LinkedIn connections

I promote free webinars, my monthly newsletter and the collaborative selling scorecard

- What do you want people to do?

Those are the basics and can be mixed up a little (eg this educational post comes with selfie more like an engage post)

Want an even simpler way to go about it?

Recording a video on your phone and posting that will set you apart

It''s different to what others are doing.. if they are doing anything

Give a short answer to a question you've heard from a customer the week before (60 seconds)

Consistently doing this every week gives 50 pieces of content that are useful to all potential customers in a similar position working through a problem 

(Call it a buying decision if you want but they might not be specifically thinking 'purchase')

By using video you are allowing people to 'meet' you early on 

You are now on their radar as someone worth talking to

If you know some connections who would be interested in what you've been talking send them the post as a DM

Posting can feel quite daunting but it gets easier and becomes a habit

All part of the process to stand out as the go to person in your field

What's stopping you?

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