Suffering product training bias?

May 17, 2024

How to survive 'product training bias'

I feel for salespeople 

They often get product training inflicted on them

(Plus an added dose of 'how great the company is' for good measure)

Of course it's important... but will it help them sell? 

Customers are interested in sorting out their issues

Salespeople should be prepared to help with that

Sense makers 

Let's think about to make the most of product training to get what salespeople really need to do

🟠 Orange Hat Thinking 

We will use the VALUE Framework to consider what they can ask to get some of the info they need to do a good job selling with a customer focus

🔶 Validate - Right opportunity 

- What is our target market? Why?
- What is the problem we are solving?
- How important is it to them?

🔶 Align - Right research 

- What roles are being affected? How?
- What pressure is this putting them under?
- How do they try to fix it?

🔶 Leverage - Right conversations

- What questions should we ask to get them thinking?
- What insights can we offer to stimulate?
- How will they most likely respond?

🔶 Underpin - Right solution 

- What stories can we tell?
- What references have we got?
- How can we make them the hero?

🔶 Evolve - Right results 

- What can we do to ensure we deliver outcomes?
- What is our promise to them?
- How do we prevent ‘buyer remorse’?

Use the opportunity to get this type of information to be in a much better position to hold the discussions that customers want (and need) today

Focus on their problems rather than your product

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